extra-curriculum education|extra curriculum education in English

supplementary studies, studies not included in the regular educational program

Use "extra-curriculum education|extra curriculum education" in a sentence

Below are sample sentences containing the word "extra-curriculum education|extra curriculum education" from the English Dictionary. We can refer to these sentence patterns for sentences in case of finding sample sentences with the word "extra-curriculum education|extra curriculum education", or refer to the context using the word "extra-curriculum education|extra curriculum education" in the English Dictionary.

1. Keyword: Axiology, Value education, Teacher education, Curriculum


3. His concern in "The New Education" was not merely curriculum, but the ultimate utility of education.

4. Curriculum is a defined path of coursework for education in schools

5. Sustainability and environmental education filter throughout the curriculum offered at Ambler

6. This annual tuition fee is inclusive of insurance and transportation for Extra Curriculum Activities.

7. An extraCurricular activity (ECA) or extra academic activity (EAA) is an activity, performed by students, that falls outside the realm of the normal curriculum of school, college or university education

8. Do schools pay sufficient attention to the match between the taught health education curriculum and the hidden curriculum of the school ethos?

9. Many schools have education about drugs and solvents built in to the curriculum .

10. It also publishes textbooks for the primary and secondary education curriculum in Hong Kong.

11. The training curriculum included college-level general education courses, traditional martial arts and horsemanship.

12. The Appraisal Institute Qualifying Education for Licensing/Certification curriculum is designed to exactly match the education criteria established by the AQB

13. Bsed in Elementary Education with P-5 Certification in Early Childhood and Special Education, General Curriculum DUAL CERTIFICATION Program of Study

14. The Foundations Curriculum clearly leads parents through a Classical education at home, week by week

15. In setting up general education curriculum for higher vocational education, the principles of relevance, historicity, nationality and internationality should be given attention.

16. Further, the curriculum development role had four main versions: curriculum manager; curriculum consultant; curriculum enhancer; curriculum facilitator.

17. However, there was no standardised curriculum for personal finance education until after the 2008 financial crisis.

18. How Conceptualisations of curriculum in higher education influence student-staff co-creation in and of the curriculum Catherine Bovill1 & Cherie Woolmer2 Published online: 26 December 2018 # The Author(s) 2018 Abstract There is a wide range of activity taking place under the banner of ‘co-created curriculum’ within higher education.

19. • validation of the core curriculum of the Royal Military College and adjustments to Officer Professional Military Education;

20. And for every hundred dollars, you get almost 30 extra years of education.

21. With deworming, you can get an extra year of education for three dollars.

22. The requirements of "New Curriculum" about problem-solving and reasonable ratiocination are intrinsically consistent to Polya's education theory.

23. Well, I think that Abstinence has its place as part of a comprehensive health and sex education curriculum

24. Adult education is run in cooperation with the extra-mural departments of the universities.

25. The agency Accredits based in 6 standards: Mission; Faculty; Students; Curriculum; Resources ; Outcomes; The Commission on Collegiate Nursing Education